Karel Beran, Petr Čech, Bohumil Dvořák, David Elischer, Jiří Hrádek, Václav Janeček, Zdeněk Kühn, Pavel Ondřejek - Artificial Legal ...

Artificial Legal Entities: Essays on Legal Agency and Liability

Nakladatel: Wolters Kluwer 2019
Není v prodeji
851 Kč


The monograph seeks to answer the questions of how juristic persons—as artificial legal entities with no distinct intellect or will of their own—can perform legal acts (i.e. engage in legal conduct) and in what way they can become legally liable (not only for their conduct). To develop these issues, the monograph explores the concept of a juristic...
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Bibliografické údaje

Artificial Legal Entities: Essays on Legal Agency and Liability
Beran, Karel, Čech, Petr, Dvořák, Bohumil, Elischer, David, Hrádek, Jiří, Janeček, Václav, Kühn, Zdeněk a Ondřejek, Pavel
Wolters Kluwer
Doporučená prodejní cena:
851 Kč
Elektronická kniha, 292 stran, bez zabezpečení DRM, 0,8 MB ePUB ePUB, 2,0 MB Mobi Mobi, česky
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